Lara and Max

three adorable Birman cats .

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Christmas 2002
Happy New Year
Max is a year old

Prizes and snow!
One year on!
Water feature
Climber and adventure
Play days
New cat on the block
Becoming friends
Happy families!
Garden Fun
Bumble bees!
Lazy, hazy Summer
Water everywhere
Oscar's day at the vets
Garden visitors
Moving House
Christmas is coming!
Christmas 2003

New Year 2004

Max's birthday
Oscar's 1st birthday
Cat dancing
Two years on
Easter 2004

May Day

Oscar's First Year

Summer 2004
Oscar a PAT cat
Carpet fitting
December 2004
Christmas 2004
2005 and birthdays
Winter Fun
Three years on!

Sunshine and showers
Hot and humid
Window safety
Tree collars
Artist's models
Halloween Fun
Nearly Christmas
Christmas 2005

2006 has arrived

Brrr! Where is Spring?
Warmth and Sunshine
Glitter balls
Our own book

Summer Games
Having the Builders in!
Busy, busy
Christmas 2006
Posing Prettily
New Pictures

Dangerous Hairball
Christmas 2007
Birthdays etc
Senior Cat
A Puppy in the house
Update July 2011

Bumble bees!

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Cat accessories - favourite things!
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Amy - my first Birman

Katy and Lucy's page

Great Danes

Video Clips - See the trio playing with 'Panic Mouse'

Comparisons - how we have changed over the years

Bumble bees!

The days now are quite long with the sun rising bright and early each morning and daylight lasting well into the evening. Summer really seems to be here to stay as the days are warm and sunny and all the flowers are blooming in the garden.

We all love to play outside and watch the birds and the butterflies as they weave amongst the branches and we sit quietly in the shade snoozing away the day.

I know it all sounds very idyllic and mostly it is - for me and Max at least. Oscar on the other hand tends to want to DO things rather than watch things and one of the 'things' he likes to do is to practice his hunting skills. Now that is all very well when we are in the house and the target of his attention is a toy mouse, a toffee paper or a ball. But when we are out in the garden one of his favourite hobbies is chasing bees - the bigger the better.

Max relaxing in the shade in the garden

Oscar with a rather swollen cheek!

Of course chasing bees isn't exactly the safest hobby in the world because when you catch them they tend not to be best pleased and can sting! However there are some kittens that you just can't explain that to and no matter how many times Joan went after Oscar and stopped him and explained the problem he just wouldn't stop doing it.

It follows then that you won't be surprised to hear that last weekend Oscar came into the house sporting a rather 'fat cheek'.

We don't know for sure that it was a bee you understand and Joan did look quite hard to see if she could find a sting embedded but couldn't. Oscar felt really sorry for himself all afternoon and spent much of the evening cuddled up on Joan's knee for comfort but by the following day he was fine again and back out into the garden.

He still follows the bees about but doesn't try to jump on them as much and we are all hoping he has learned his lesson, albeit the hard way!

We all felt very sorry for him as it can't have been very nice and this weekend his big teeth are beginning to come through so he has a sore mouth again but for a different reason.

Whilst both Max and I can sympathise because we have been through it ourselves we are pleased to think that within a couple of weeks those needle sharp teeth will be gone and replaced with something altogether gentler!

I love the summer weather as it is really great to have dry grass to play on but sometimes we get very heavy rain showers which hammer away on the roof of the conservatory.

The other day it had been raining very hard and when the sun came out later Joan let us out into the garden for a romp. I went rushing over to the wheelbarrow as I love to jump into it and roll about. Imagine my surprise to find that there was about an inch of very cold water in there so I had to do a quick diversion and leap out again!


Oscar hiding amongst the flowers

Lara loves to roll around on the garden chairs

Page created: 28-Jun-2003



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©Laramax 2002